Over the years, I've built numerous student and personal projects. Here you can find some of my favourites and all the most recent ones.
Apache SystemDS
Implemented caching for re-use of partial build products in recode and binning to speed up feature transformations.
Decentralized Sports Club
Full stack blockchain app for peer to peer sports offerings, built with Hardhat, with Smart Contracts deployed to the Ethereum chain.
Elastic Scaling of a Microservice Application
Implemented Prometheus metric collection for a microservice application, and autoscaling with KEDA.
Mensa Telegram Bot
Fetches the weekly menu from the Mensa (German cafeteria) and sends it to you once a week.
6G Dashboard
Built the backend for a dashboard that allows monitoring 6G components and their communication.
Sustainability Portal
A summer spent building a sustainability portal - showcasing public sustainability data from the fish farming industry in Norway.
I've used numerous languages and tools in my projects, but these are the ones I am most proficient with.
Gitlab CI/CD
I also use these sometimes, but with a higher frequency of Stackoverflow visits and ChatGPT queries.